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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - March 2024

Norman Hale

In attendance

- Lisa Herbster, Keith Amaro, Chuck Wright, Pete Burg, Dave Dunn, Chris

Herbster, Steven Chaco

Meeting called to order at 6:05 PM

Minutes - discussed and approved.


- Old Business

- Website updates

- We’re working on setting up a reservation application to allow

members to reserve boats on the dock for usage. The team is

checking into a variety of different possible ways to incorporate

reservations. There are still kinks, which are being worked


- In general re: the website - Things are happening. Progress is

slow but steady.

- It would be good if we had a TV system at HSA for a variety of

purposes. There was a lengthy discussion of one day getting a

TV or projection system at HSA.

- Emails for BOD - working on figuring out how to set these up in

an efficient manner.

- BOD Profiles are on the site. If BOD members want to provide a

(different) picture for this page and/or a bio, please forward that

on to Lisa or Chris H. We’ll get it added ASAP.

- Volunteering

- People are starting to ask how they can help.

- Dan has put together a list of jobs that need to be done.

- Info in the March newsletter

- New Business

- Michel has sold items for us - Do we have more items to sell?

- Discussion of motors in storage - check them out - should we

sell them?

- Sell stuff Mike Stamburski dropped at HSA?

- Michel suggests we have extra trailers in the yard. Maybe we can

sell a couple of them?

- The Carolina Skiff has a new motor. The motor makes the boat

stern heavy.

- Board Member Reports

- Pete Burg - Nothing to report

- Lisa chimed in again with news from the City. Vincent Terry

returned her emails re: HSA’s lease with the City. Mr. Terry said

in his email that the City is happy to continue to lease HSA the

property at 15 Fremont Court for an additional 10 years, but

they are not interested in discussing a longer term agreement at

this time.

- A long discussion continued re: City properties,whether we

should consider seeing if the City will give us 1st right of refusal

to sign another lease at the end of the next 10 year lease period.

- Carolina Martin - Absent - Lisa provided report -

- Bottom line - We are solvent.

- Carolina mentioned that the HSA water bill usage was very high

in Feb. No idea why it has happened. Maybe we should keep a

record of meter readings?

- Tonya Sands - Absent - Lisa provided report - Not much to report.

- Lisa and Chris H. each contacted Tonya after members told them

they were having difficulty reading the colorized versions of the

newsletter on their phones. They asked Tonya to send out the

newsletters and weekly messages as both a plain text file and

also a PDF version so all members should be able to access our

news and information. All newsletters are now being added to

the website as a blog.

- Dan Biringer - Absent - Lisa provided report -

- Dan is working diligently to create lists for 1) checklists for

taking out and taking care of boats, and 2) volunteer jobs. The

checklists for boats will include all sorts of things including

docks, supplies on the boat, items to check before setting sail,

returning from a sail, daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Things are

going well. We need a bit more momentum for volunteers.

- Keith Amaro - There was a burst pipe - broken at the joint. Fixed.

- A discussion came up about taking care of our motors by

servicing them. It was decided and voted on to take the Proline

down to Diamond Suzuki in NSB to be serviced for ~$700. This

servicing and repairs is warranted. This motion was voted on and


- Chuck Wright - 109 members as of the end of March.

- Discussion occurred about how and how much members have

paid, especially if they also had a gold or silver membership.

- Discussion of cleaning up the yard. Once done there will be

space for all boats on our waiting list.

- Another discussion about who is on the waiting list and what

type of boat they each have.

- Chris Sinnett - Absent - Lisa provided report -

- April kicks off our adult classes.

- Wes Treco is willing to teach Flying Scot classes after work - only

for people who already know how to sail.

- Kathy Sinnett - Absent - Lisa provided report -

- We’ve had a number of successful events. Kathy measures success by

participation on and off the water and comments from guests. There

have been wonderful responses at events. In March,

- We had a Reilly’s Run.

- A workday Saturday which was well received.

- We had a TGIF Sail & Socialize on March 15th.

- We had our Fleet Race on the 17th.

- We have a number of events scheduled for April.

- Re: Windward Women - Women are usually sailing on Wed.

2-4 PM, often sailing on the San Juan.

- Planning has begun for the 3rd Annual Pink Ribbon regatta

which will be Nov. 9-10, 2024.

- An Aside - When should we have the Turkey Trot? Tentative date will

be Nov. 23, 2024.

- Dave Dunn - Youth Program -

- The youth program is having a very successful season. Our kids

have been participating in a number of regattas this spring.

They’re learning a lot at each of these events and they’re

starting to place at them.

- Things are moving in the right direction. Everyone is very happy

with the way the program is running.

- Camps are set up and are filling up.

- Chris Herbster - ERAU Sailing Club & Team -

- The team is doing well. Doing lots of sailing. Going to regattas

just about every weekend. They have a team that was invited to

sail on the West Coast in San Francisco.

- They’ve qualified for Champs. This is the 3rd time they’ve done

so. 1st time in club history

- They’re very active and the students are handling a lot of day to

day activities, so the advisor is able to step back a bit.

- Steven Chaco - ERAU Offshore Team -

- They’re doing a lot of fundraising

- They’ve had a renaming. Lively is now named Seafoam.

- They’re practicing regularly.

- They’ll be racing in the Lipton Cup.

- They’ll be replacing the engine.

Meeting adjourned at 7:28 PM

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