Monthly Events

Reily's Run 'Round the Bouy's
A fun social race, followed by a potluck meal the first Sunday of every month. Check the calendar for event start times.

Fleet Race
Non-scored, non-series race that incorporates the rules of racing followed by a potluck meal every third Sunday of the month. Check the calendar for event start times.

Hosted on a Friday once a month, come out for a leisure sail follow by an appetizer potluck, socializing and music. Check calendar for upcoming dates.

Wednesday Night Dinghy Racing
Every Wednesday night during the summer, come out and test your skills with your fellow dinghy sailors. Practice your starts and race strategies in a fun, non-scored event starting at 5pm.

General Membership Meeting
Our general membership meetings, held on the first Saturday of the month cover club updates, event planning, and discussions to help shape the future of our sailing community. All members are encouraged to attend, stay informed, and share their ideas.

Thursday Workday
Join us every Thursday for our workday where members pitch in to keep our club running smoothly. Tasks include boat maintenance, clubhouse repairs, trash clean-up, and general upkeep. It’s a great way to help out, learn new skills, and connect with fellow members.
Annual Events

Small boat regatta, held in November, raises funds for local breast cancer non-profit service providers while also promoting competitive sailing.

Turkey Trot
The annual HSA Turkey Trot Regatta, held in November is a distance race held on the Halifax River open to all sailboats with a valid Portsmouth rating.

Daytona Beach Optimist Dinghy Championship
Fun race held in August for sailors (new and experienced) who participated in sailing camp over the summer.

Summer Sailstace
Leisure sailing and social gathering with food to kick off the summer! Adults and children from the public are welcome attend!